What to expect in this course
Welcome to core Magical Skills
This course will introduce you to four essential practices that will support whatever style of spiritual , esoteric or self-developmental work you are following.
I’ve tried to keep the use of technical and tradition-specific terminology to the minimum and hope that you will find all the course materials accessible and inspiring.
The four areas are covered in this course these are:
- Meditation – techniques for developing focus attention and meta-awareness.
- Bodywork – techniques for fully inhabiting our physical forms.
- Centering – practices for orientating ourselves, banishing unhelpful influences and calling in supportive forces.
- Spirit work – identifying and working with our spirit allies.
If you’re newly setting out on your journey in magic you will find this course invaluable. If you are already engaged in meditation or other esoteric practices this course will be a great opportunity to refresh and re-imagine your approach.
Each section in this course consists of a series of video lectures and documents containing information, references and links. If you are new to these subjects it would be beneficial to work through each section in a step-by-step way, if you are more familiar with these subjects feel free to explore the lessons in whichever way suits you best.
It really doesn’t matter if you identify as a magician, a Druid, a Wiccan, shaman, psychonaut, neurohacker or something else. This course is designed to be open-ended and inclusive whatever your preferred styles or tradition. You’ll find my style packed with information and also conversational and friendly. This isn’t some austere occult boot camp or single tradition esoteric program! You are encouraged to select, adapt and expand on the practices and ideas given in the course in whatever way nourishes your own unique approach.
This course is a complete self-directed learning program. To turn it from a bunch of resources into activity requires that you put into action what you learn here. That said please be gentle with yourself. While discipline and diligence matter so to does the idea of gently and sustainably developing your practice and skills. Aim for long-term substantial growth rather than racing through the material in an effort to complete this program and reach an imagined goal.
You may find it helpful to keep a diary of practice as you work through this course. This could be in writing on line or as hard copy, as pictures, audio or video recordings, or a simple calendar charting what practices you have done and how often. Maintaining a magical diary is central to the training program of a number of esoteric schools, networks and Orders and provides a great way to help us reflect on our progress.
Thanks again for choosing to follow the Deep Magic Core Magical Skills course.
Wishing you every success with your Great Work!