Core Magical Skills presents an inspirational program of essential esoteric theory and practice.
This program is ideal for people who are new to practical occultism. For experienced practitioners this course is a great opportunity to refresh your magical work and gain new perspectives.
This course covers four essential practices:
- Meditation – techniques for developing focus attention and meta-awareness.
- Bodywork – techniques for fully inhabiting our physical forms.
- Centering – practices for orientating ourselves, banishing unhelpful influences and calling in supportive forces.
- Spirit work – identifying and working with our spirit allies.
In addition to over 2 hours of video lectures the course documentation contains extensive links to online and printed resources.
With the option of additional tutorial support or totally self-directed you could cover the material in a few weeks or over several months.
It doesn’t matter if you identify as a magician, a Druid, a Wiccan, shaman, psychonaut, neurohacker or something else. This course is designed to be accessible for everyone. You’ll find it packed with information delivered in a conversational and approachable style, with plenty of options to adapt the practices to support your own unique magical style.
Your Deep Magic, begins here...
Course Curriculum
- Centering Practices an introduction (6:38)
- Centering Resources
- Centering how to draw pentagrams (7:37)
- IAO Banishing (8:12)
- The Gnostic Pentagram Ritual (12:22)
- The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (4:37)
- The Gnostic Pentagram Ritual - demonstration 1 (5:15)
- The Gnostic Pentagram Ritual - demonstration 2 (4:37)
- Centering using Smoke (1:11)
- The Hammer Rite (1:24)